April 21, 2023
Project update:
While this project has been ongoing for a year and a half, the Facebook page and website were officially made available to the public on March 18 of this year.
Since the website launch on Steven Eisenstein’s radio show https://www.facebook.com/BucksontheBookshelf on March 18, there has been a great deal of development:
• We’ve reorganized the resource section and added new resources. More work will be done on that part of the website.
• We’ve also fixed a problem where the blog and the news section where not separate pages. This was done by redesigning the news page.
• (New feature) New data columns have been added for page number and location of printing
• (New feature) Added an ID # field to be able to sort back to the order the entries were put in the database if you’ve done some sorting in the other columns
• (Modification) doubled the height of the rows and made the comment section wider to deal with overflow text
• (New Data) Noel has been adding page numbers and printing locations for entries
• (New Data) Brian Quast has added 25-30 new entries
• (New Data) Art Kieres has submitted 154 new entries. While the data for these are still incomplete, Art and the team will be working on these entries in the weeks to come to fill in the missing data. Theses incomplete entries have a yellow ID#
• (New Data) Mark Coulbourne has added 5 entries
New Team Members:
Brian Quast - joined our team the day prior to the interview, Brian is a passionate and knowledgeable bibliophile who’s been collecting books about books since 1997.
Todd Sommerfeld – Miniature book expert and publisher
Art Kieres – bookseller and bookbinder https://www.facebook.com/bergenbookstudio
Mark Coulbourne – Preservation Librarian, soon to be department head at the University Library of New-Maryland
Richard Hardesty – Formerly worked in the acquisitions department at the University of Wyoming
Team Member Noel’s Book:
On the radio show Noel launched his book (And That was Only the Front Counter, Working in the Used Book Business in Los Angeles.)
The book has been listed on Goodreads:
And is available to buy from his ABE shop:
Personally (this is Jeremie writing) I have found Noel’s book beautifully written, entertaining, touching, and really interesting. It’s a book that I find difficult to put down once I start reading it.
Marketing Campaign:
In the last few weeks, we’ve embarked on a marketing campaign to spread the word about this project. As of this morning, we have 511 individuals who have used the database. We appreciate everything that everyone has done in spreading the word about this resource.
We also want to extend a special thanks to team member Todd Sommerfeld for all the great suggestions towards that goal.
Planned project:
We are planning to make a video on how to search and use the filters in the database.